Located on a prominent corner of North Harbour Street and Green Street, this proposal for 32 units has been brought to Ayrshire Housing by Ashleigh (Scotland) Limited to provide much needed Amenity Housing accommodation within the heart of Ayr. Planning Permission in Principle was achieved in February 2022.
Green Street, Ayr
Ayrshire Housing
The North Harbour Street frontage is south facing and benefits from good views over the River Ayr and the boat marina. The proposal aims to make use of these by placing the living areas on this frontage.
With residential dwellings surrounding three sides of the adjacent land this development has the ability to consolidate the northern section of the River Ayr corridor and create an attractive route back into the town centre and providing homes which can re-populate this area with all significant amenities located nearby.
The proposed massing takes cognisance of the existing property at the edge of the site, on North Harbour Street with a two storey element directly adjacent, rising up to three storey towards the corner. The shape of the site allows for a private sheltered communal garden to the rear of the development, incorporating parking provision and external storage.

Materials and finishes
We have selected a simple material palette which complements forms of the buildings and the proportions of the facades. The main entrances from North Harbour Street and Green Street are highlighted by a change fibre cement cladding, aiding wayfinding. The proportion of the glazing with Juliet balconies to the south elevation offer bright, naturally lit spaces.

The proposed development aims to complement the existing residential stock in the area, infilling the open frontage to North Harbour Street which will enhance the streetscape.

Project collaborators
Ashleigh (Scotland) Ltd
Clancy Consulting
Structural & Civil Engineers
Aynam Energy Ltd